Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Am I the only person who falls into a serious stage of ADHD during worship? It's not even that I struggle with Attention Deficit on a regular basis. Just when I'm trying to connect with God! Here's what happens:
  • I am singing the song, lead by the worship leader, truly feeling the movement of the Holy Spirit.
  • My arms are lifted high, just me and Him.
  • I can feel Him working on those dark and sad places.
  • I begin to cry just a little.
  • As a tear rolls down my face, I remember how I look when I cry. (And it's not pretty, let me tell you!)
  • I remember how the Princess in Braveheart looks when she cries.
  • Then I remember why she was crying.
  • I picture Mel Gibson's death in the movie.
  • I wonder what he was recently doing to mess up his life so much.
  • I mean, he had such annointing to make The Passion of the Christ.
  • That leads to Jim Caviezel.
  • Then there's the line of soldiers coming to the Garden.
  • Jim, as Jesus, crushing the snake under his foot.
  • The actress that played Lucifer was brilliant!
  • She looked so weird with out her eyelashes and eyebrows.
  • Mel Gibson's idea, I think.
  • Man, he did such a good job with that movie!
  • The hand holding the nail was actually Mel's.
  • He did that just because it was our sin that put Jesus on that Cross.
  • Wait, what was I singing?!?!?

There you have it. A snapshot of the mind of Lara Moore. Not a pretty place, I tell you! Similar to how I look when I cry. Katherine Heigl looks pretty when she cries. I used to like her...