Thursday, June 7, 2007

Sheltered by His Shadow

Shadows can be cold, dark and lonely places. It's where the heroine always runs to hide. Then just when she thinks she's safe, BAM, the killer finds her. But, are all shadows bad? Can they be intimate and beautiful places? What about the times we reach out with the Hands of Christ? What about when we watch with His Eyes and listen with His Ears. Or, more appropriately, we are supposed to be doing those things through Him? Do those we are ministering to see me? Or Christ? I believe that unless we place His Cross between ourselves and the needy, they will only see the doer. That can only bring glory to us, when we are called to glorify our Lord. Is the shadow of the Cross a cold, dark and lonely place? Not anymore! It was to the One Who was crucified upon it, but not to us. It becomes a shelter. A place of healing as well as atonement. Is it a comfortable place for us? Probably not, as I am learning more and more that He is not overly concerned with my comfort zone. He tends to focus more on the eternal. But in the 'eternal' run, there is no other place to take shelter. Let's live there, work there, and die there.
See you 'In The Shadow',


Daph said...

This is GREAT! God has truly blessed you with a wonderful gift. I can't wait to read the future articles.
Love ya,

Jacob said...

Very convicting Lara. . .Its easy for us "needy artistic types" to want to steal the spotlight from Christ. . .Thank you for the reminder that it's about Him and not us.