Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Forgive? Are you kidding?

Can we truly ever understand forgiveness? Think about it. Have you forgiven the person who cut you off in traffic this morning? If we can't do that, how are we supposed to forgive those who hurt us the most? The friend that turned their back when we needed them most? The hand that reached out in hate, not love? The lie that turned others against us? What about our leaders? The ones who seem to disappoint just when we start to trust?
Scriptures tell us, no command us to forgive. But surely He didn't mean those circumstances I just listed! Doesn't God know what that person did to us? Maybe if I tell Him about it, He will see my point. Maybe if I complain and whine long enough, He will take my side. I would be willing to bet that's what the disciples meant when they asked Jesus how often we should forgive.

He surprised them, of course. He requires us to forgive. And before His crucifixion, the disciples could have said that He couldn't understand. But then there was that execution. Was there ever a more violent, despicable execution? If he, hanging on that cross, could express forgiveness how can we not? He understands your worst. He understands the worst that has been done to you. He chooses to forgive you. And somehow He understands the one who did the worst to you. He is there to forgive them. Like it or not, He is forgiveness at His core. And if we are to be like Him, this is something we must learn. Because I believe that forgiveness is not at our core, He has to teach us. So, let's learn.

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