Tuesday, March 25, 2008


I hope your Easter was a beautiful one! What a privilege it is to be able to celebrate the death and resurrection of our Lord!!!! There are specific Easters of my past that I remember. As a little girl, I remember getting new clothes, and not just a pretty dress. A new slip, shoes, stockings, and even hair accessories. I seem to remember one year getting a hat and white gloves. I remember the last year that I hunted for Easter eggs. As the youngest, Lisa and Richard had lost interest in hunting them years before. But this particular year, it was raining and Richard hid them throughout the house for me. We always had the same basket, year after year. I can remember, as a child. waking up on Easter morning with that basket full of candy and presents. I remember the summer I came back from Japan, when Lisa opened the freezer and pulled out the Reece's peanut butter eggs that she had saved for me.
What do these memories have to do with the resurrection of the Christ? Honestly, nothing except that they happened on Easter. But I never confused my Lord with the Easter Bunny. Somehow, my parents made us aware of the true meaning of the day in an age-appropriate way.
As an adult, my memories are more of His death and what His defeat of death means. I remember the year that Dr. Paul Perry taught me and his other employees the physician's perspective of the crucifixion. I remember watching the movie The Passion, and how it moved (and still moves) me. I remember the year that Liberty Church, Birmingham showed the Impact Production movie, The Resurrection. And how the Lord rekindled my passion for drama and story-telling.
I don't get an Easter basket anymore, and I try to stay away from all the candy. Although Reece's eggs don't make that easy. Bruce Terry, my pastor, always asks for a dramatic vignette to celebrate and remind the church of that soul saving event. My traditions have changed from my childhood, but the celebration has remained the same for over 2,000 years.
  • He came.

  • He died.

  • He beat death and the grave.

  • He rose again.

  • He broke the chains of sin.

  • He ascended to Heaven.

  • He is, even now, interceding on my behalf.

All in all, not bad reasons to celebrate!

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