Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Self Esteem & Chocolate Chess Pies

I went to a bridal shower on Saturday. The purpose was to stock the bride-to-be's kitchen. We served lunch and enjoyed all sort of yummy 'chick' food. My sister volunteered my Chocolate Chess Pies. While these pies can taste like heaven, they don't always present a pretty picture. The mixture frequently spills onto the crust before baking, and the top almost always cracks. As I was mixing the pie filling, I prayed, "Lord, please let them turn out pretty." Now before you think that I was praying that because I wanted them pretty for the bride or hostess, just stop. My reasoning was not that self-less! My thoughts up to this shower had been on myself. I just knew that everyone there would be thin, beautiful and married. Everything that (I feel) that I'm not. I started two weeks before in planning my outfit. I even had a pedicure so that I could wear open-toed shoes. I was afraid people would look at my not-so-perfect pies and say, "You know, that overweight girl over there, who isn't married? Those sad looking pies are hers." So, with that in mind, I prayed that God would make my pies pretty.

Shallow, huh? Well, that struck me as I prayed, so then I asked if He would help them to be a blessing... But I knew that HE knew that I didn't really mean it... Confused, yet? So, I laughed, asked His forgiveness, and prayed that He would be in charge and help me to overcome my shallowness.
The pies were a success and the shower was full of beautiful women who loved God with all their hearts. Not once did I feel judged or left out. My worries and struggles were for nothing. I felt silly and still do as I write this. But I can't be the only one who acts and feels this way, so here it is. You are not alone, we are silly together.
What silly things are in your thought patterns?

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