Friday, October 12, 2007


In trying to control my eating and lose weight, I am trying to hear the voice of God. Before you write me off as a nut, hold on a moment. If His eye is on the sparrow and He has numbered the hairs on my head, surly He is concerned with the things I eat and put in my body. Julie Morris is teaching a class on Wednesday nights on being 'guided by His steps' in our lives. You can check it out on her website Our substitute teacher, Leona Crabtree shared the other night, that in blessing her food before she eats, she asks the Lord to speak to her and let her know when she has eaten enough. And she acutally listens to Him.

How often to I truly listen? I find it ironic that I'm beginning this with food. I have always lived as if I deserve that cookie or brownie. Going back for seconds won't make that much of a difference. I am, after forty years of eating and living my way, realizing that I'm not supposed to be doing that. Do you ever wonder if God bangs His head against the wall? If He does, He does it over me. So, even though I ate that peanut butter cookie this morning, I'm trying. That still small voice of my Saviour and my Lord can be hard to hear over my own.

What's He trying to say to you? Can we get quiet enough to hear Him? Like I said, I'm trying.


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